African Animal Collage Prints
The following African animal collage prints have a variety of animals in them, and usually if you like we can place a focus animal in the center of your album. As an example see the next 2 sample albums…one focused on the Elephants, the other on the Rhino. If you choose one of these, let us know if you have any preference of a focus animal.
Some of these prints are very limited. If you need more than one album covered in the same print, email to ask if we have enough of your preferred print.

Here are a few of our African Animal collage prints. If none of these suit your needs, email us for more photos. By the way, if you are ordering a 12 x 12 scrapbook to be customized, take a peek at our 12 x 12 safari scrapbook papers! They’re gorgeous!
Please take note of the name under your photo for ordering.